When American Teeangers are Given Permission by Parents to Drink Alcohol

Most American teenagers know that in Europe, teens aged 16-17 can drink legally, but have very little knowledge that countries have different alcohol laws. Many also know that some American parents allow their teenagers to drink, but without awareness that parents who do so, have full understanding of the extent by which such cases are deemed legal under U.S. laws.


U.S. Alcohol Laws Differ from State to State as Well

Adolescents today are virtually partying at home, where drinking some of the wine or liquor stashed by their parents would be a good way of adding zest to the virtual scene. Even if one parent gives in to their child’s request, that parent’s permission is not a blanket-approval for all the virtual party participants.

Generally, under U.S. laws, parents can only give consent to their minor child’s drinking. That is why it is quite important that when allowing their adolescent child to occasionally have a drink with them, parents should also explain that there are limitations to the legality of letting minors drink alcohol with parental permission.

In addition, U.S. alcohol laws differ from state to state. Teenagers therefore should know that when a virtual party involves some interstate friends, the alcohol laws in other states, may not even consider it legal for parents to allow minors aged 16-17 to drink alcohol, even if parent-supervised.

Changes in Alcohol Control Law Can Influence Alcohol Consumption in Households

Keep in mind that in many U.S. states, consumers are now permitted to place wine delivery orders shipped directly to their doorsteps. That way, they do not have to make frequent trips to local liquor stores; or wait for store owners to replenish their stock of a particular brand of wine.

The relaxation of alcohol sales law makes it possible for households to store several bottles or even cases of liquor or wine at home. Parents should know that in some states, there are limits to the amount alcohol that minors can consume under their supervision. The accessibility and the abundance of liquor in storerooms, can also make it quite tempting for growing adolescents to consume wine, even without the knowledge and permission of their parents.

Parents should keep in mind that in allowing their adolescent children to drink, their responsibility does not end with simply abiding by what the law allows or does not allow. Remember, budding teenagers are likely to emulate a parent’s drinking habits, which studies show are the roots of the binge drinking behavior among college students.

Parents, therefore, who believe that allowing their children to drink is part of their social training for the future, should also make it a point to act as role models when it comes to alch\ohol consumption. Otherwise, they might fail to set a good example of what drinking in moderation means.