Supplements for Teens

Among teens, it is very important that they receive that essential vitamins and minerals that their growing body needs. On the other hand, there are some vitamins that are more important for development, growth as well as sustaining energy levels. It is imperative to fill the diet with varieties of foods that are rich in vitamins to supply the body what it is lacking of.

Just as when automotive businesses and entrepreneurs are using car write for us to catch more market attention, the same goes with teens and adults as well to supply their body with essential vitamins and minerals. So the question left now is, how to acquire these things?

Vitamin D for Healthy Bones

While majority of the teen’s growth spurts likely in later part of their teenage years, the skeletal system is still in development. By taking vitamin D, it can help in improving the bones and the teeth’s ability to absorb calcium and make them sturdy and strong.

As a matter of fact, 15 to 19 years old boys and girls have to consume at least 600 international units or 15 micrograms of Vitamin D each day. Basically, vitamin D yogurt and fortified milk are some of the fastest and easiest ways of getting vitamin D to your system.

Collagen-Building Vitamin C

Vitamin C is yet another vital nutrient for normal growth. Muscles and bones are held together in ligaments and tendons which are made of collagen or a soft connective tissue. Bones itself even have collagen in small amounts.

The connective tissues enable wounds to heal itself and makes up part of the skin as well. Vitamin C is water-soluble which means, it cannot be stored in the body.

For boys between 15 to 19, they should be getting 75mg of vitamin C per day while for women of the same age, 65mg will do. Fortunately, vitamin C is easily accessible in produce as well as 100% juices. So you must be able to get what you need from regular diet. Besides, there are plenty of sources where you can get vitamin C which includes bell peppers, strawberries, kiwifruits, grapefruits, oranges, tomatoes and broccoli.